Embracing Nature: A Journey of Rewilding and Awakening

Over the past summer, I had the opportunity to read an astounding book called, "Rewilding: Meditations, Practices, and Skills for Awakening in Nature" by Micah Mortali. It was referred to me by a yoga student while teaching a yoga teacher training. I found the book to be inspiring and encouraging, especially when looking for ways to connect with mature in a meditative fashion.

Below is summary of the book. I think you would enjoy it and I encourage you to read it or even listen to an audible version of the book if you don't have time to read the actual text.

Micah Mortali's book "Rewilding: Meditations, Practices, and Skills for Awakening in Nature" delves into the idea of "rewilding," or reestablishing a connection with nature and our own inner wildness. By adopting the ways and knowledge of the wilderness, it provides guidance on how to develop a stronger bond with the natural world and discover more purpose and happiness in our lives.

The book is broken up into multiple chapters, each of which focuses on a distinct facet of rewilding and offers helpful activities and meditations to assist readers in putting these ideas into practice. The following is a synopsis of some of the major concepts and issues covered in "Rewilding":

1. Connection to Nature: Michah Mortali stresses the significance of cultivating a close relationship with nature. He contends that our alienation from nature is the root cause of many of the difficulties and strains of contemporary living. Mortali advises readers to go outside more often in order to take in the beauty and rhythms of the natural world. He offers a variety of exercises to assist readers develop a stronger bond with nature.

2. Meditation and mindfulness: The book presents these two techniques as effective rewilding strategies. According to Mortali, practicing mindfulness can make people more aware of their environment and more in the moment. In order to promote a stronger sense of connection and inner calm, he provides outdoor meditation techniques like walking meditation and woodland bathing.

3. Tracking and Awareness: Tracking, both literally and figuratively, is one of the fundamental abilities of rewilding. Mortali talks about how tracking animals and studying their habits can teach us important lessons about being present, patient, and attentive. He also looks at how monitoring our own feelings and ideas can help us become more self-aware and progress as individuals.

4. Wilderness Survival Skills: Mortali explores the useful abilities required to endure and prosper in the wilderness. Though he does not advocate for a return to a prehistoric lifestyle, he does contend that mastering fundamental survival skills like building a shelter, making fire, and foraging can empower people and strengthen their bond with the natural world.

5. Ancestral Wisdom: The author emphasizes the value of respecting and taking note of traditional ways of living in harmony with the land by drawing on the wisdom of indigenous cultures and our ancestral heritage. He exhorts readers to re-discover antiquated customs and ceremonies that honor our bond with the planet.

6. Community and Connection: "Rewilding" also delves into the notion that rewilding can be strengthened through shared experiences and community rather than being purely an individual endeavor. Mortali talks about the advantages of organizing rewilding groups and taking part in workshops and wilderness retreats.

7. Self-Discovery and Transformation: Mortali highlights how engaging in rewilding activities can lead to personal transformation throughout the entire book. Through reestablishing a connection with the natural world and adopting a more instinctive and primordial lifestyle, people can access their innate knowledge and uncover their actual identities.

Finally, Micah Mortali's book "Rewilding" provides a comprehensive method for reestablishing a connection with the natural world and discovering our own wild nature. It takes readers on a journey of self-discovery and reconnection by fusing practical exercises, mindfulness practices, and a profound respect for the natural world. The lessons in the book inspire readers to embrace the wisdom of the wilderness in order to find more meaning and fulfillment in their lives.

I actually used parts of this book to inspire a yoga retreat I led. I had the participants do a nature walk. I used some of the suggested meditations that the book offered as a way for the yogis to connect better with themselves and to nature.

I highly recommend this book. You can get a copy from Amazon, but I'd encourage you to listen to it, like I did, using Audible.com. Enjoy!


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